Hi guys basically I want to share with you my breakup experience. He was my first boyfriend and the way it ended wasn’t great and there are still things that keep popping up to this day! We were together for over seven months

Anyway so we broke up the day after my prom but two weeks before this there was an incident where his ex girlfriend was texting him and I read one that popped up on this screen it read “Come round and ...” that’s all I could see and because she has a name for breaking up relationships so cried whilst he was at my house for an hour and a half because I couldn’t find the courage to ask him about it. In the end I did and he got mad because I wanted to read the messages and he stormed out which in my opinion showed he had something to hide. When he got home I called him and he told me he wasn’t coming on holiday with me that weekend and that he needed time to think about the relationship as wether he wanted to continue which shows alarm bells as it is ( this was our first ever argument).

Over the course of the 5 days were he was thinking I got many drunken messages saying he was breaking up with me and then ones saying he loved me so he was messing with my head whilst I was on holiday ( great man!).

After these five days he decided he wanted to continue talking to me so we did I went to his and we had sex a few times the next day he text me saying he feels like friends and he has felt like this since the argument but isn’t sure so he didn’t break up with me yet. This made me feel horrible because obviously we had done stuff. Then he went on holiday and was playing mind games with me for the whole time so the night of my prom he was still on holiday so didn’t come and see me and was not talking to me at the time. At my prom after I’d had a lot of alcohol and was having fun he text me saying how he loved me after basically a week of nothing and being annoyed so I got messed up in the head I didn’t do anything but I hugged a guy that he hates like it was just a hug the guy tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

But I felt guilty so I called him the next day and explained how sorry I was but even though everything before he blamed me for everything and to this day blames me about everything.

But that is not it, I haven’t had my period since we had sex which was about 51 days ago and my last period was two weeks before I had sex with him. So I text him telling him that I was going to take a test and that I thought he should know in case it came back positive and then we would have a problem as I wouldn’t know what to do and it would be life changing so I told him not just for his sake but for mine so that I didn’t feel alone if it did come back positive. Thankfully it didn’t come back positive and ive done two test both negative. So I told him but he got mad and told me that I was faking him to scare him and make him come running back which trust me was not the case I wouldn’t have him back if he was the only guy left on earth but it just upset me.

My bestfriend still talks to him to this day and the worst part about that is that when I tell her stuff about him she tells him. Anyway his mum text my mum because she doesn’t have my number and she was threatening me and her about the whole relationship so she’s blocked but still.

One more thing- he moved on less than a week after me and guess who to ... the ex that I brought up earlier the one that started the whole row so yeah he’s a lovely guy.

He brought back he valentines present which was a expensive jumper that I bought him and the reason I’m writing this is because I’m selling it tomorrow and I don’t know I’m still finding it hard to let go of the jumper as it’s a memory I also still have all the photographs from when we were together.

Sorry this is long but felt like sharing

Ps does anyone have any idea why I haventgot my period.