Prolapsed cord & emergency c section


My baby boy came early!! Malachi Douglas Miller was born at 12:55 am on Sunday, July 22nd. Weighing 6 lbs & 13 oz. 19 3/4 inches long. I was induced at 7:30 am on Friday, July 20th due to preeclampsia. After two days of cervidel, lots of contractions, pitocin, lots of throwing up, and a folley bulb, my water was broken at 12:35 am on Sunday morning at 3 cm dilated. Immediately they put the belly monitors back on me and noticed the babies heart beat kept dropping dangerously. The doctor quickly examined me again & discovered I had a prolapsed cord. (Where the cord was coming before the baby & the baby was crushing it causing loss of blood floe and oxygen) apparently this is very rare and immediately life threatening. The doctor needed to physically stay on the bed holding the baby up in my uterus while I was rushed to an emergency C section or else the baby would die. Nurses starting yelling & hitting alarms and running around. They got me into surgery under 5 minutes and had to put me under general anesthesia due to an epidural taking too long to kick in. (10-15 minutes that we did not have) after a very scary few minutes & a being put under I woke up to a beautiful baby boy. Thank God for my amazing doctors & nurses and thank God I was in the hospital for induction. The doctor said we’re lucky my water didn’t break at home, Malachi would not have survived a rush to the hospital. After a few days in the NICU for some breathing troubles (his blood flow to his lungs just wasn’t ready due to a quick delivery!) he is coming home tomorrow!! ☺️ so thankful & excited for my baby boy.