Newborn schedule

Moms- When did you start getting your newborn on a night time schedule? And do you have any tips for doing so? My daughter is a month old and I go back to school in 5 weeks. I would really like to start getting her on some sort of schedule because right now she sleeps all day and is up all night. I want to do something like bath at 7pm, read a story, have a warm bottle, and then rock to sleep. But it's hard to get her schedule going at a certain time since she may have just napped at 6pm, she won't want to go to sleep at 8. She also wants to be out in the living room late at night when my husband and I are out there either cooking, cleaning, or watching tv since that's the only time we can do any of that. But I feel like having her out there with the lights and tv on at 11pm is confusing her. I know she's still little but I'm just wondering if and how it's possible to start getting her into a routine. TIA!