
My boyfriend has been moody for 2days, I’m not sure why because everytime I ask “what’s wrong” he leaves me on opened..I’m not sure if he’s mad at me, but I feel like he is. The last thing we did was discuss politics, but we have a similar he finally replied and said “I’ll talk to you when I’m done” i ask doing what because he would’ve just said “I’ll talk to u in a sec” so he sends me a photo of the laundromat so I just figure he’s washing clothes so I leave him alone...5 hours pass without him replying so I say “hey????” And sure enough it takes 2 hours for him to reply and he just now hit me back with the “I’ll talk to you when I’m done” so I ask again “with what ..” and he said “I’ll just talk to you when I’m done” ...keep in mind he is visiting fam but this is unusual....last time he visited fam he didn’t ignore me for a whole day...I get he could be busy but to deliberately ignore and leave me on opened without an explanation is shady as fuck. He even turned on ghost mode, so I have this thought in the back of my head that maybe he’s seeing somebody else?.. we’ve been going out for 1 year...Also, he recently had a baby sibling born, which I’m wondering if something happened to the baby and maybe it’s upsetting him, but he would’ve communicated that with me. I agree this is childish...completely..he gets mad when I call him childish though...any ideas or am I just overreacting