Frustrated mom

My daughter is 15 months. We started attending to a mommy and me group when she was 8 weeks old. She is the oldest in her group.

At 10m old she was diagnosed with low muscle tone, so she started PT. 3 weeks ago she finally started crawling on hands and knees (after months of army crawling). Not standing on her own yet.

I'm frustrated because every time we meet with her friends they all step on her. Same when we go to other classes for her age. Almost every kid is walking or about to walk.

I know PT is helping, but its a very slow process.

She is very smart and I dont wanna hold her back with younger kids.

But every single time we go to the classes or with her friends (mommy group) kids step on her hands or fall on top of her.

PT believes prolly another 3+ months of therapy for her to walk.
