The Mom-Shamer


My new favorite breed of human is an elusive creature that swoops down on your social media statuses time and again to lay a big turd of wisdom for ya. You didn’t ask for the turd and by God you were doing just fine without it. But that little red bubble pops up letting you know someone commented on your picture of your kid in the car seat. So you click on it.

It’s Kate. Kate wants you to know the strap doesn’t look right to her and she hopes, for your baby’s sake, you made sure it was tight enough. Then she adds some photos and links for car seat safety.

“Well, she was just trying to help you.”

No she wasn’t. Kate LIVES for these statuses. Kate likes to be the alpha-Mom. Kate is trying to establish her dominance. Kate is a bitch.

For the record my kid was strapped in perfectly. BEAUTIFULLY. He could’ve won’t a medal for how amazingly he was strapped in.