Is it possible to turn a friends with benefits situation into a relationship?


When my ex first broke up with me I was extremely heartbroken. My friend we’re going to call him Jim was there for me and we would go to the park sometimes and I would vent to him. After awhile we began hooking up. I would go over to his house and he would come over to mine and we would sit there and just talk about anything and everything. He would ask me stuff like “are you feeling better today, how was your day” and then we would do our business and talk a little more and then leave. Well recently I noticed that when I talk about other guys to him he seems a little standoffish I’m not quite sure how to spell that but... he also frequently sends me hearts every now and then after every text and lately he’s been wanting to see me more. He asked me for my number. Wants to go more places with me. The other night he even asked me to spend the night which he’s never done before. Maybe I’m just reaching or maybe I’m trying to project the feelings I think I have for him on to him. But even when I mentioned that I was going to Cali he asked me stuff like “who are you going with, how are you getting there, can I go with you” idk I just I feel like I want something more even though I know I shouldn’t because In the beginning it was just supposed to be friends with benefits. What do you ladies think? Is it possible that what we have going on can be more? Oh we were together in the past but only for about a month we didn’t end on bad terms at all