Pregnancy symptoms for two weeks, missed period, but negative Tests????


What does this mean? The last time I remember having a period was 6/25/18. I’m not 100% sure. I’ve been nauseous with headaches, food aversions, slight back pain, slight hip pain, but all my tests are negative. I posted one from earlier this week and a lot of people said they saw a faint posting but took two just now and both are negative? Is it too early for my period? How long should I wait to test again? Btw.. I have an ob appointment on 8/8 to see if I am pregnant and it’s just not showing up on the pregnancy tests. Maybe I am pregnant. I just have this gut feeling I am. Also I have a tiny bit of tingles in my boobs and butterflies constantly in my stomach. Even when it’s empty..

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Posted at
I’m right there with you! My last period was 6/26...I never go over 31 day cycles and today is day 33...I go Monday for blood test to see if I’m pregnant....all the tests I take say negative, but I’m having symptoms...headaches, fatigue and frustrating 😔😑


Kayla • Aug 4, 2018
exactly the same boat my period was 6/17 and I havent seen a hint of blood since but 4 bfn ughhh!


Posted at
I’m in the same boat girl 😫


Kendra • Jul 31, 2018
Same boat :(( confused asl just want one or the other already dang :(


Rebecca • Jul 29, 2018
Same situation as well! Good luck on your appointment


•💛LoveBug💛• • Jul 29, 2018
Well dang haha, baby dust to bother of you girlies if a baby is what you’re planning on! ❤️


Posted at
Same here.... last AF was June 23 :/


Alyssa • Aug 1, 2018
None yet- been testing but it’s too soon. Gonna get a first response test this weekend since the ones I have require a higher HCG


Kendra • Jul 31, 2018
Same! Any news for you? Af or bfp?


Posted at
Just started spotting 😭😓


Posted at
same here....symptoms and negative test