TMI Postpardum

so I'm 6 weeks post pardum today, Hubby and I were going to DTD but I started panicking because I actually didnt know what everything looked/felt like down there. I proceed to go to the bathroom and feel around. I found 2 things that troubled me immediatly. #1 is a small reddish white bump just on the inside of the opening of my vagina... it does not hurt, itch, or bother me in any way. #2 would be a weird hard string like thing that goes from one side of the hole to the other.. I did have a 1st degree tear and had to get stitches but I thought they had all dissolved. Any ideas what these could be? I do have an appt with my obgyn on wednesday but was hoping to put my mind to ease till them. ******UPDATE****** I should note that the stitches were black (my husband watched the midwife do them ) and located on the right side going diaginally upward tword the clitoris. what i found is white and is attached on both sides and located a bit further down from where the stitches started.