God, Satan and his demons. My scary experience.


Last night I woke up to the sound of footsteps on carpet, that soft squish noise that you can only hear when everything else is quiet My first thought was the dog was up walking around but she was still in her bed, second thought was that someone was in our room but the bedroom door was still shut and my dog was still sound asleep. Then I just felt terror, like whatever was in my room wasn’t supposed to be there and I knew it had come to take my baby (I am six weeks pregnant). So I prayed, I prayed for safety over my unborn baby, that I would hold it in my arms one day soon, that we would hear the heartbeat, that we would raise it to love God, love others, and make a difference in the world. I don’t often think about the supernatural, it’s a lot easier to think of God and only God, but the truth is Satan prowls the earth like a lion, looking for prey. I know it sounds crazy but I believe whatever was in my room had come for my unborn baby, but when I started praying it had no choice but to leave because the power of God is real and even Satan and his demons bow down to him. So not tonight Satan, and not tomorrow, or the next day, or any day. Because this baby is covered in prayer and protected by the God Almighty.