He keeps bringing up TRUMP during arguments! *trigger warning

My fiancé has always told me he’s liberal and he’s always been all about equality and back when there was the big woman’s march he told me how he’s happy it was happening and thought it was great. Neither of us are trump supporters.

So fast forward to now all of the sudden when I am telling him how I feel about something, as an example he was telling me that I shouldn’t wear such revealing clothes because I’m for his eyes only and that if I walk the street in shorts I’m more likely to be raped than wearing jeans... this didn’t sit well with me and so I told him my thoughts and he says arguing with me “ever since Trump and the metoo shit things have gotten out of hand...” or “stop with the Trump shit” like what?! I know by “trump shit” he’s referring to the me too movement or feminism... I’m wondering what asshole he works with is turning his mind around like this?? Or a few weeks back we were watching the breakfast club and one of the male speakers said something similar like “the metoo thing has gotten out of control because male celebrities have to be careful and worry about false accusations” I mean I do believe actual false accusations are horrible of course who wouldn’t agree and yes they are rare so it sounds like my fiancé just heard “me too is out of control” and that was that...

Its also insulting he would say this because he knows I was sexually assaulted a few times in my life and almost raped before I met him and am sensitive to the subject but he acts like he’s forgotten these things happened to me.