Feeling defeated

Jennifer • 2 year old son, 2 angels and pregnant with hopefully our rainbow.

We’ve been trying 7 Months for baby #2 and struggling physically and emotionally. We’ve had a lot going on during this time. We moved into a new house. We had a miscarriage in March. And I’m now starting my work busy season which means I travel a lot. My husband has been very rough on me. Yelling and telling me I’m lazy and not appreciative of him and all he does and it’s driving me crazy. I do so much more for our family than he does. He does more for the pets and the yard than I do though. Last night I reminded him we’re heading into O week and he decided he thinks he’s too frustrated with me and we should wait until we’re on better footing before trying again. Ugh! I got hormone testing last month and this month testing progesterone. Makes it add to the mess. Why is he so irritating. I want to complete our family so badly before our kids are too far apart. He breaks my heart when he gets on these rants.