

I feel like I’m stuck in the middle of my parents and myself. My parents are selling there house right now and moving to Tennessee. I still live with them (I’m 21) so they expect me to move into this house they are renting in Florida till I have finished my hours at a zoo for work. I want to move in with my boyfriend of 3 years who will be moving with me to Tennessee. I would like to see if we can live together first before we move to another state together. I’m hoping I can get some moms opinions on this situation. My mom understands I need to leave the nest but I don’t think she is ready for me to leave. My dad on the other hand, he sees it as he can’t protect me anymore. I’m his last little girl and he doesn’t think my boyfriend can take on the responsibility of taking his role as a protector. If anything is confusing please don’t hesitate to ask I know I was all over the place with this post.