August baby turned July baby turned August baby

Khayla • Married 💏, Mommy of 👧🏾👧🏾👶🏽

I was scheduled to be induced July 30th, we went in and I was 1cm. They started me on Cytotec and gave me 6 rounds with no progression whatsoever. It didn’t even thin my cervix. So the next night I was given pitocin. I progressed to 3cm. By day 3 of being in the hospital I progressed to 5cm. They wanted to put me on a higher dose of pitocin but I cried to them that my mental state was deteriorating from being in so much pain, being on day 3 of labor, and to have to go through another FULL day of labor with NO PROGRESSION. If I stayed another day I would have to be discharged in Saturday and we had mad arrangements with parents and father in law who came in from SC to make sure our two girls at home were taken care of, catch is they were leaving out Saturday due to them having to pick their dog up from the Kennel (mind you I should’ve had him by the 31st). So I also told the doctors and nurses this and they assured me that they would get baby Aiden out today and they did. They broke my water and things went so fast after that! The doctor asked why didn’t the other doctors do that the day before and I told her I had no idea! I got the epidurals and it wore off by the time it was time for me to push so I gave birth to another baby naturally which wasn’t too bad being as though I had pain relief for the contractions. Here is baby Aiden. Originally an August baby, scheduled to be a July baby, and ended up being an August baby. 2 and a half days of labor and it was worth it. 6lbs 15oz, chunky face but he is such a tiny little guy.