Am I still “bleeding”?

Mika • Raised by nurses. First time mom. Dog mom.

It’s been almost 6 weeks since I’ve had my first kid (c-section) & my mom who’s an OB nurse told me that she didn’t bleed much and that I shouldn’t be bleeding as much since I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding. I’ve had probably 4 days where I spotted or not bled at all, but the days were spread out and not in a row. Each time that I have had these non-bleeding/spotting days, the next day i would have really red bleeding but not “bright red”. I’ve asked my mom if maybe i started my period and she said my period won’t come for awhile since I’m EBF, but I honestly don’t know anymore. This morning I felt like I had my normal period cramps again, the past couple days I’ve had lower back pain (muscle aches) accompanied by headaches! And I’ve also ( TMI) been having a mixture of constipation and diarrhea, which for me is normal when I’m on my period.

So does anyone think that I’m on my period now?

Has this happened to anyone else, or has anyone gone from PP bleeding straight to their period? I’m really curious and just need to know what to tell my OB doctor. Because his office is almost an hour away, and my mom said he probably won’t even check out down there since I had the baby by c section.

Thank you to anyone that answers!