Bad Day

Today I woke up not feeling well, emotional, nauseous, out of breath and total lack of patience. I told my husband how bad my day was going and his response just made things worse. I know he was only trying to help but it seemed so insensitive to me. A rapper named C Struggs died this morning so he told me, "C Struggs died today, it could be worse." Idk but to me that was saying that I shouldn't have a bad day because people die. I just don't think that's fair. I wish I had someone to talk to who cared about my feelings. I definitely don't want to think about death and dying right now after already feeling depressed. I'm not trying to be insensitive about his death. God makes those decisions and we just have to deal with them. People die EVERYDAY... does that mean that I can't have a bad day? Ugh!!! I'm in my feelings. 😭😭😭