Can anyone relate? Advice needed


I need to know that there are other women like me out there. Here’s my story. Please share yours.

My husband and I started trying for a baby when I was 33.

It’s been 5 years and...

- 7 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a> with no embryo lasting past day 3.

- 3 surgeries (Fallopian tube removed; stage IV endometriosis removal surgery; and uterine polyp surgery)

- 3 natural pregnancies, all ending before 8 weeks.

I’m currently going through my third miscarriage and it’s breaking me. But it’s not just infertility.

My husband has been unemployed as well. I’ve been supporting us.

Four months ago I took the plunge and quit my job to start my own startup - something I have always wanted to do. I love it, but it is nowhere near profitable and won’t be for a long while.

My husband is very supportive about the startup and also cooks, cleans, and supports us in other (non-monetary) ways. We’ve also cut back on everything.

But still I feel that life is so unfair. We run out of our savings in November and if my biz is not able to raise money then I’ll have to go back and get a job.

I’m on a life treadmill. I keep trying to move forward: build a business, have a baby, have husband employed and happy but I feel like I’ve been beating my head against a brick wall and it’s wearing me down.

Is there any way to get ahead? In the past I’ve concentrated on being grateful for all the things I do have. But how much more of this can I realistically take?

I’ve always believed that I can do anything I set my mind to, but I really need to catch a break.

Anybody relate?