The Red Light


“Can I go now! Please?!”, Haley pleaded with her boss.

“Ok! Go ahead! We aren’t busy anyway!”

“Yesssss!”, Haley said while pulling her arm and fist back by her side.

“You just be careful tonight ok?! DBT drink and drive!

“I won’t Mr. Jacobson! Thanks again!”

Her voice trailed off as she ran across the parking lot while she simultaneously pulled her apron off over her head. She jumped in her classic 1968 VW Beetle and cranked it over. The car came to life with that unique high pitched Beetle whistle-like exhaust and slight smell of burning motor oil.

She was headed to one of her best friends summer houses in the lake for one more big bash before the summer ended. The rounded headlights lit the dark wooded road through the countryside. Sometimes you could drive an hour or two on these remote back roads and never even see a tractor go by.

Finally, Haley could smell the misty cool air come in through the vehicles openings and clear the cars stale air. She opened her windows and took a deep breath, letting it fill her lungs.

Several miles down the road she finally saw the cabin lights. As she pulled in, almost everyone was already there. Haley, slowly climbed the splintered, old wooden stairs and tiptoed to the kitchen door. She waited until in got quiet.

“COPS!!! COPS!!!”

Startled her friends all looked up, each with slight terror etched on their faces. As soon as the recognized it was Haley, they all started laughing at each other.

“Where the hell were you girl?”, Haley’s best friend Sam asked.

“I had to work remember? I got here as soon as I could! Where’s Steve?”.

A worried look stretched across Sam’s face.

“What is that look for?”

Before any more inquiries could be made, Steve comes walking down the stairs with none other that Kristy Bonelli. The biggest whore in school!!!

Steve acted like nothing was wrong and walked quickly over to Haley.

“Babe! Your here! I didn’t think you were coming?”

Steve gave Haley a small kiss on the lips.

Haley slapped Steve across the face so hard, that he almost fell to the floor. The party stopped...stunned in silence.

“Your such a fucking ASSHOLE! I can smell he stank pussy on your mouth shit head!”

Haley ran out to the kitchen and stole someone’s already poured lemon drop shot and slammed it back. Before anyone could stop her, her Beetle was once again kicking up dirt on the desolate back country roads. Tears were streaming down her face, more out of anger than anything. But, she knew she didn’t deserve this! She was better than fucking Steve Griffin! Who cares if he was captain of the football team, or most popular! She needed a MAN, not a juvenile asshole. Lost in her thoughts, the little Beetle ran like a champ through the open roads. She was cruising at a good 70 miles per hour, in the middle of nowhere when she saw the flashing red light behind her. Then a beep of a siren, and a spot light turned on, then off.

“Holy shit! I’m not 21 yet and I have alcohol on my breath! And I was speeding!!! Fuck!”, she thought to herself.

She quickly got a piece of gum out of her purse and piped it in her mouth as fast as she could.

The cop in the cruiser turned off all the lights accept for his fog lamps to give just enough light.

She waited nervously in the old vinyl black spring seats. Then she got even more nervous when she saw the cruisers door open and the officer get out. He slowly walked up towards her car with a slow cool strut, like James Dean. As soon as he got up he turned on his flashlight and pointed the piercing light straight into Haley’s eyes.

“Could you shut off your car miss?”

Haley turned off the jar and put the keys on the passengers side seat.

“May I see your license and registration miss?”

His voice was deep and strong. From the outline of his body, Haley cold only make out that he was about 6 foot, fairly thin, but definitely had a strong presence about him.

“Miss, have you had anything to drink tonight?”

“ officer. I was just at the lake and I...well...I-“

“Miss, please step out of the car for me and put your hands on top of your head.”

“But...but...what...why? Did I do something wrong?”

“Just obey my orders and everything will be just fine ok?”

Haley was scared to death. If she got a DUI tonight, she would lose her scholarship and that would be it for her! She would be working at the ice cream shop forever!

“Ok, now face the car, put your hands on top of the car and spread your leafs please. You don’t have anything on your person that can stab, cut, or poke me do you?”

“No sir! I don’t do drugs or have ever used weapons ever.”

Haley was just on the verge of crying when something happened that seemed to give her a much different view of the situation.

“Listen, Miss, my name is officer Matthew Jackson. Ok? You are Haley correct?”


“Ok. Your insurance, title, registration, everything else is fine. Ok? But, you were cruising pretty fast for these back roads, and even though your trying to hide it with that gum your chewing on, I can still that Lemon Vodka on your breath. So, there’s nothing to be scared of. We just have a couple things out.”

“Ok. I just had a very, very bad night. My boyfr- ex boyfriend was cheating on me, I am trying to keep my grades up for my full scholarship, and-“

“Just relax, relax. We will just go through this one step at a time. Now! Let’s just make sure that I AM going to be safe, and YOU don’t have any weapons.”


Haley faced the car and put her arms and legs as far apart as possible. Officer Matthew Jackson felt through her hair gently, then down the nape of her neck. He ran his fingers through hers as he then slid them Oder her arms towards her shoulders sensually.

“Wow! Is it just me? Or is this guy like way into me?!

Then he feels around the edge of tube top. Firs the back then the front. Without warning, he pulled the front down exposing my perfectly perky breasts while my nipple stick out because of the cool night air. He messages and rubs my breasts and I can’t help to enjoy him violating me in this way. But, what next,

He slid his hands down my slim belly and came to my track shorts. He felt outside at first, then grabbed might tight firm ass. He let the fingers of his right hand slither into my shorts and my pink cotton panties. Even though I knew this was wrong and I was being sexual assisted and violated by this officer...I didn’t want it to stop! His fingers slid right up in me without any resistance. And I couldn’t help but moan and grown as her finger ducked me hard.

Then, without notice, he hand cuffed me and put me in the back of his cruiser. What the fuck was he doing now? He can over and looked at me in the back of his cruiser. He ripped my shorts and panties off and told me to spread my legs really wide. And that he had a nice surprise fo me”, then winked.

To be Continued