Diet plan, leads to binge

I was on a strict 500 calories a day meal plan to lose weight and I did it, I slowly started adding more foods and more stuff to be healthy and I maintained my weight for a long ass time. I was getting 2000 calories a day

Today I don’t know what happened, I had a huge cheeseburger about 700 calories, honey mustard, seasoned curly fries, soda and ice cream and now my stomach has ballooned. Today I calculated it and had over 5000

I’m use to bloating after meals but not like this?

I had way more calories than my body is use too and my sister told me that it the morning my stomach would look the same (because every morning my stomach looks the same then changes over the day)

I told her it shouldn’t and she told me my body has too many calories than it can handle and I will be bloated for days now.

This was me this morning

This picture looks weird but I’m not sticking my belly in, my body was slightly curved making my ribs stick out. But that’s how my stomach was

Now it looks like this and I’m not even pushing it out! It ballooned as I said.

What’s going to happen in the morning? Will my weight go back to being the same like it usually does or is my sister right and I just fucked up all the work I did. I hope that’s not the case because I have a take pictures in my bridesmaids dress in 2 days