Post period fatigue?


It’s been a few days since my period ended, and since then, I’ve just been feeling so tired. I usually actually have trouble sleeping and am mildly insomniac. But I am also mildly anemic (seems paradoxical, I’m not sure how that works either) and I take iron supplements on the daily but I’ve noticed that I’ve just been incredibly tired after my periods.

I have only realized the intensity of it as of late because when I’m at college, I think my stress keeps me awake enough to fulfill my duties, but now that I have more time to relax at home I guess I have more room to be tired so I’m more aware of my exhaustion.

Is this normal for anyone else? Is it possible thag I need to increase my iron supplement intake? I know there are foods that are nutritiously dense in some aspects that can help, so I think I need advice beyond that.