breaking the news to judgy family


so, i have had 3 babies, my husband has 1 from previous marriage who is 13 now. Our youngest is about to be 3. we moved away from my family and his about 7 months ago because he was offered a better job. pretty much the last thing i was told was just dont have anymore babies. (ugh scoffed at that irritating comment) this coming from a person with no kids and 2 incomes in his mid 50's, not my dad. anyways we were actually not trying to get pregnant, using the same method i have used since i was 18, with no trouble at all. in june i got sick and had to go on hard core antibiotics which apparently made my cycle out of whack, or at least made me ovulate at a different time. we are pregnant with child number 5 and i am already losing sleep over having to tell the world we are having another (last) baby. i would really love to enjoy every moment of this and just not tell anyone but my husband says babe, we are gonna have to tell them. ugh. he told his employee at work already cause he had to tell somebody and his first response was "are you the duggars now?" wtf.. exactly what i dont want to have to deal with over the next 10 months. i have enough already. so what do we do? TIA