Do you think that calling somebody a bitch over and over again will make them be nice? Or overtime, a bitch?

My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years. We have a daughter together and another on the way. Sometimes I get an attitude but by no means do I think I’m a bitch! I love to smile and be happy, but I do get moody (snappy, quiet, hardcore resting bitch face, but generally content and over it in 5 minutes.

My boyfriend calls me a bitch all of the time it seems lately and I’ve just been moody is all. He never asks me how I’m doing or what’s bothering me? He just calls me a bitch. It’s really starting to hurt and it’s really making me feel like I am one.

I have tried talking to him multiple times but he has a set perception of me with my attitude. I have these raging hormones coursing throughout my body and I just hate the way I am starting to feel about myself. I especially hate when he calls me a bitch in front of our daughter. I don’t want her to grow up hating her mom because she’s a bitch,

Any advice? Obviously we’re not breaking up, we are building a future together. He’s just not listening to how I feel about it and I don’t know how to help him understand the way it makes me feel. Your mind controls a lot more than you think. If he puts it into the universe that I’m bitch as constantly as he does, I feel like he is just creating an ugly part of me instead of positivity building me up.

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