Would you be bothered if this was your boyfriend?


Let me start by saying my boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and are due to have a baby in a week and a half. We’ve never been the type to be friendly to the opposite sex while in this relationship. He never liked me having male friends as I didn’t like him having female friends in the relationship. So we both stopped. And it kinda just became about us especially with our son being due. Now the past couple of months we’ve been having some issues, mainly because I’m a grumpy grouch... and he “doesn’t get enough attention”.

I know these messages aren’t as bad, they could be worse, but it’s the thought of him entertaining these girls. I simply ignore guys who text me.... and if this were me responding to them he sure as hell would throw a fit. Now, let me tell you why this bothers me so much. Girl in pics #1 & #3 is BEST FRIENDS with his ex girlfriend. The ex before me. Me and this ex girlfriend in particular have had MANY MANY MANY issues with her contacting him, and trying to get back with him. So why would you want to talk to a girl who’s bffs with your ex? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Then he randomly made a Twitter..... followed that girl (girl in the pics) and she followed him back. That doesn’t bother me.. but what bothers me is I followed her too right? Well today he asked why I followed her and I said because he did so why couldn’t I? He said I could but that he wants to be friends with her.

I’m ready to drop kick him