What am I supposed to do?!


We’ve been together for almost 12 years, married for 6 as of last week. What am I supposed to do and think when I’m finally content with our life and truly happy, and DH comes in and drops an atomic bomb. He says he hasn’t been happy for 4 years now, that we’ve just been putting band-aid after band-aid on something that’s just not working. He says he’s just not happy anymore and feels like we are more like roommates than anything else. But, when I ask what he wants he says he doesn’t know. He will say if we didn’t just buy a house he would have left weeks ago, but then makes comments about “if it gets to the point we are separated”. I’m broken, confused, and definitely not ready to give up on everything we’ve built together. I just can’t help feeling like it’s my fault because I’m the one who can’t get pregnant.

I guess I would love to hear advice, words of wisdom, your stories, anything that might help as we try to figure out what’s going on.

Thanks for listening ladies.