HELP Finally made the appointment to discuss fertility issues

Ok ladies, I have finally swallowed my pride and called in after 2.5 years of trying to talk to my gynecologist about my fertility or lack there of. Surprisingly the call itself was extremely hard for me. I am not married yet and i just feel like the docs will look at me in a negative light or not even take the fact that we have been trying seriously. (I am refusing the engagement until i know if I’m broken 💔 i don’t want him to be stuck with me if i can’t give him what we both want. BABIESSSSS ! ✋🏽 don’t start thinking negative thoughts ladies he has assured me he’s here no matter what but i am just stubborn that way and i am not accepting that answer cause i want to know!!) anyways. . . . So i call to make the appointment . . . . annnnnnnd was told someone would call me back 🤦🏽‍♀️ like come on just schedule me in to speak to the doc ! So i am now waiting for that phone call. . But my question is for anyone that has gone through this experience the whole fertility workup or whatever to see what the heck is going on . What was it like? What should i expect ? How long was the whole process ? ANY INFO would help greatly. Sooo PLEEEAAAASSSE share ladies 💕

And thank you in advance !