Third IUI cancelled


So this month was suppose to be my third

<a href="">IUI</a>. My husband and I are unexplained.

This cycle my dr got more aggressive and added gonal-f. I had my day 10 blood work ultrasound and I still had a bunch of small follicles. 2 more days of injections went back day 12 and same thing. My dr then upped the dose for 2 more days of injections, day 14 my biggest follicle was 12mm. My dr says he doesn’t want to add more injections ( plus I’m paying out of pocket ) which I agree with because of they clearly aren’t working! The past two

<a href="">IUI</a> i formed 2 follicles around 20mm with just the clomid. He says this was just a “weird month” I’m so devastated. Now I have to figure out if I want to try one more month or more on to <a href="">IVF</a>. Anyone else not respond to the gonal-f ?!