should we wait a year to marry or no? please read details

M💓 • Dog & cat mom 💞

Hi ladies! So my boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years, he's 22 and I'm 20. We've been living together for a year and plan on moving states and buying a house next year, financially we will be ready to buy a house in a nice area to settle down in.

The downside is that his entire family and majority of mine all live in the state we are in now, and no one on both of our sides live in the state we are moving too. So when it comes to getting married I'm in a tough spot.

If we wait until we move to get married (we'll have more time to save $), it doesn't seem fair AT ALL to expect our friends and family to fly to us for it. and since we're Young i highly doubt our friends would even be able to afford to come. our family would have to take off work, then we have to deal with hotels and car rides for all of our guests. It would make everything so much more expensive too...

If we get married before we move, we won't have as much money to put into it at all, but plus side is friends and family being able to come.

Do you think it'd be out of line to ask our parents to help pay for the wedding if we have it before moving? Both of our dads aren't around unfortunately so it's just our Mama's.

I feel bad because this will be a big deal for them and very emotional and I feel bad asking for money but do you think it's Rude? I know traditionally parents of the bride usually pay for alot of the wedding, but idk how i feel about that!

If we payed for it ourselves it would have to be on a budge and a small wedding...but i don't want that :( I've been dreaming of my wedding since i was a child and i don't want to have to give up certain things just because we can't afford it, but i also want our friends and fam to be able to come.

What's the point of having my dream wedding in a year if no one can come because we live in another state :(

I hope i don't sound spoiled or anything it's just I'm only getting married once so i want it to be close to perfect lol.

Also if you guys can share tips on how you Budgeted for your wedding or how to save money on a wedding please let me know :) really ANY tips you have will be much appreciated! thank you in advance!♥️