Southern "culture"


I live in TN. Nashville, to be exact. Nashville tends to be more accepting of different cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, etc. But when you get further out, not so much. So I went to a county fair today. A lot focused on the historical aspect of TN, which also highlighted plantations, confederacy, and different items being sold that reflected intolerance in the past. I feel it's important that we remember how far we've come and to not forget that history. At the same time, selling items (like the confederate flag) can also prohibit us from moving forward. Wondering what others feel. I especially thought of black attendees, walking by that, and what must have been going through their minds. A lot of southerners are taught it's "culture." If that were true, I might take it a step further. Instead of showing the public how "romantic" southern culture is, show them the not so great side too. A slave quarters, documents from that time, Fugitive Slave Act. If we really want to reflect souther history, show people that have suffered and have brought us to where we are today. A lot seems like we are still focused on ignoring the dirty past.