Labor started at 8am

Labor started at 8am. It was his 4yo brother's birthday. I had a couple of small things I wanted to do with him. Nope... hospital it was. When we got there I was 5cm dilated abd 90-95% thinned. I kept dilating ... but didn't thin on one side. The doctor did a membrane scrape and broke my water. All painful. I was getting the cramps down my hips into me legs. I got a IV and meds. I did this because I have lower back and hip issues... this didn't help. It didn't seem to touch it. I asked for a bar to use to deliver. I have not gotten it any of my 4 deliveries lol I used my poor hubby's bad arm. Our son was born at 10:49am. He had his hand on his head and the umbilical cord slightly (loosely) around his neck. He needed oxygen. He took a breath before he was supposed to and it caused him some issues. He was in and out of the NICU for 5 days getting treated. We got to go home the Monday after he was born. (TH: 08/09/18 = born... released Mon: 08/13/18.)

I was given 5mg Morphine after... 2 shots.. one in each leg. IV meds... 2 blood draws... iron.. 2 bags of Patosin (sp.) To help my cervix...

My doctor had to detach my placenta I had in the front of my cervix because it wouldn't detach after our baby came out. Then she had to clean out clots as well. I felt like a cow with how much she was having to clean me out in this way. I was very painful. My body was shaking from it going onto shock and I got cold chills. I am glad I am done.

He and my 4yo share a bday. They have the same birth weight and head size... off length size by a half inch. My 4yo was born at 12:00:55pm. They were a little over an hr. apart.

All of our boys love our new squishy so much.💯💗🎉