Tired of TTC Journey 😭 *Trigger Wanring*

Julie Faith • TTC, Septate Uterus, Endometriosis and Poly Cystic Ovary Disease.

*possible trigger warning*

Hey ladies. Lately I've been depressed. 8 months ago, I've discovered I had a bicornuate uterus. Then a month ago I discovered I actually had an acruate septate uterus. Then found out I have endometriosis and pcos. I also have hypothyroidism. I've been trying to have a baby for a year and a half. But now I'm starting to question if I even want kids. All this news has been hard for me. All I ever wanted to be was a mom. That was my goal in life. I still wanna be a mom. But everytime I walk into a doctors office it seems like I get another painful diagnosis and I just wonder if it's all worth it. I know it's worth it. But I'm just having a hard time. Is there anyone else who came across this? Considering giving up your dream to be a mom because it's too hard and painful to get there? Is it wrong of me to feel like a failure because I have every odd against me to make a family? It just sucks. I just wanted to be a mom and instead I got pcos, endo, and septate uterus. It almost feels like a joke...I'm almost ready to beg my doctor for a hysterectomy because if I cant have a baby I dont feel the pain of my conditions is worth it... I was going to try clomid but my insurance doesnt cover fertility and I saw the cost without insurance and that doesnt feel like an option... I just feel a little lost i guess and just wanted to rant. Growing up everyone told me what would happen if I accidentally got pregnant. Nobody told me what would happen or what to do if i accidentally couldn't.