I don't know what to do

So my dog has started scratching at her ear but only at night when I'm asleep when I'm not able to stop her. She's dug so much that she's got an open wound on her ear. I don't know what to do aside from what I've been doing with Neosporin. Any suggestions?


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This is called a ‘hot spot’. My cats get them all the time. In order to have him heal quicker so it doesn’t get bad, is to take him to the vet and they’ll give him an antihistamine with an antibiotic. He does need a cone though!


Posted at
a head cone


Posted at
Go to the vet!! My one dog had such long hair we had to shave her to see that she had tons of big bites as well as open gashes like this from scratching. We let it go on for too long and she got s kin infection. Not saying that’s the case here but maybe you caught something like this earlier tHan I did? Best I can say is just in case see your vet I didn’t soon enough and I felt terrible


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Clean it really good with water and antibacterial soap. Put meds and a cone until it heals