

Would you still be worried? So I went to the emergency room early this morning for a sharp pain in the middle of my stomach. I did some monitoring in l&d and then went to the ER for a ultrasound and some test. During the ultrasound the tech goes over the spot that hurts and says his foot is pressed up against it. So later the ER room doctor comes in with 2 other people saying I have a small placenta tear and I may have to get induced and luckily I’m not bleeding or anything (scaring the shit out of me). I went on google and that made it worse reading horror stories. Then I go back up to l&d to be monitored and get the ob/gyn dr opinion. After a few hours he comes in friendly but semi irritated checks my cervix (1cm 75%effaced) and says “you DO NOT have a placenta tear or anything wrong for that matter and I wish he wouldn’t have scared you like that” ( I was crying for hours lol) and proceeded to say the baby foot is pressed up in this spot constantly which is causing discomfort, like the tech had mentioned early on. He also said my pregnancy was healthy overall and the baby looked good but, what did he know he’s only been doing this for 30yrs. I eventually got discharged after he constantly reassured me and told me when to come in. I didn’t mean for this to be that long. But, would you guys still be worried about the tear or have confidence in the ob ??