I’ve read where females have been pregnant with no or low HCG. I understand everyone body is different. So I was wondering have anyone experienced this?

My friend had this happen with her last 2 children. Her very last was a set of twins. Unfortunately the one twin passed.

I think I may be experience something like this. Out of 50 HPT 2 positive abs rest negative. Blood was a 5 but PCP said it’s negative. I’m 65 days without a period. Cycles are 42 days regularly.

I’m currently sick with pneumonia and on antibiotics and steroids and breathing treatments.

I do have a disease called NEUROFIBROMATOSIS. So therefore that can make me hormonally out of balance. Plus my NF can grow like wild fire if I ever got pregnant.

There is no signs of a period coming anytime soon. I’ve been nauseous really bad and messed up cravings. One night I was craving Kosher Pickles dipped in Creamy Peanut Butter. Then one morning I had scrambled eggs and cheese, watermelon, pickle, and brownie.

Any experiences or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. IF YOU GOT SOMETHING NEGATIVE TO SAY SAVE IT FOR THE DAMN BIRDS. I DON’T NEED or WANT NEGATIVITY. Some women have no filters or are hurtful people. Please also don’t give false hopes because when you been trying for 23 yrs since age 16 umm yeah.

Again thanks for reading if you made it this far.

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