
My 15 month old just outgrew her infant carseat. I used to be able to bring her car seat inside and she just sat there while I unloaded groceries. But now I’m unsure how it will work. This is my first kid and she is experiencing a bit of separation anxiety/strong attachment to me. She will play on her own but only when SHE wants to, not when I set her down to get something done. So now I’m wondering how to bring her in the house and expect her to play while I bring in groceries. She’s going to be clinging to my legs and crying to be picked up. I’m looking for suggestions on how others have handled this. I’m kind of into attachment parenting and try not to just let her cry if possible. Also, she has a floor bed right now so I can’t just put her in the crib (plus she’d just cry anyways if I set her down and walked away). Of course I’ll try setting her down in front of toys but I’m not sure that’ll work if she isn’t in the mood for it.
