Self harm at 15 years old

Hi, this is my first time ever really opening up about this kind of topic to anyone outside my little bubble, but I feel others should know how much pain a young person might be feeling. I used to never ever want to self harm or do anything hurtful to my body. But now my pain and depression have become unbearable and I feel that self harming is the only thing that can numb me up for a while. I don’t self harm on my arms or legs bc I don’t feel like they deserve to be cut. I feel self harm is a way to show others your pain. So I cut in the most obvious place, my face. I take a knife and cut my face. If your ever feeling down or sad pls tell someone. Me, I don‘t have anyone to tell my family doesn’t care. I’ve told them but they just say so what. Pls don’t ever treat someone who is in obvious pain with such hate.