I feel like a horrible mom


I was at a store looking for something specific when my 2 year old kept saying “mama stuck”. I look down and his thumb is stuck in the cart! I panicked! It was turning deep red. I tried getting it out but it wouldn’t budge. My son is screaming as loud as he can and panicking because I was panicking. I finally went to a worker and asked her (kind of freaking out) if she could help me get my sons finger unstuck. She ran to get lotion from the desk and tripped over the mat and FELL!!!! She got back up and grabbed the lotion and started running back over. I got his finger out right before she got back. I thanked her a million times and she told me not to worry and she was glad he got outta there.

I am mortified. I freaked out. I’m supposed to be the mom. The one who stays calm and takes action when needed. I didn’t think about lotion. I feel like such a horrible mom for not thinking of something as simple as lotion!! I wish I could be the super mom I want to be.