
I’ve dealt with this problem since I was in 5th grade, now I am a sophomore. My family says I’m dramatic and “need to get over myself” but in NO WAY do they try to help or understand what this is like. Yes, my family has dealt with similar issues and mental health... but I feel like my family doesn’t ever listen to me. They just try to get me to shut up about it. But I really feel like I’m suffering. I don’t know how to describe how I feel, I just get this instant feeling of numbness, and where I don’t enjoy doing anything. Last year in the middle of 8th grade it was so bad where I lost sleep, I just felt like laying in bed all day, time seemed to never go by, I wouldn’t be able to eat, when I tried to I shake so bad to where I get upset and just throw it all up. My grades were dropping, I just isolated myself from everyone, because they made me feel like they didn’t care, so they pretty much pushed me away. I felt that way for so long, I just didn’t talk to anyone at all, and when I tried to talk at school or even anywhere, my voice got all shaky and my eyes got huge. It’s just this heavy feeling of sadness/anxiety & most emotions just put together. After all that, they called me selfish, for trying to do stuff for myself... It just doesn’t make sense to me, why my family would do that. I

Always get severe migraines, I have had bad anxiety ever since I was little. No medicine has ever helped and I have tried everything. At one point I started missing school, just sleeping all day I was so exhausted it was my only escape. I feel really mentally ill and I’m not one to like attention especially around social situations, even family. I just have times like these where I can’t focus on anything, I get scrambled when I try talking, I just don’t feel normal. They make me feel bad about it. Honestly I don’t know what to do? I tell myself it’ll be fine, but it never really turns out that way.. I’ve felt the need to apologize for the way I act and it just kills me inside. There are days when I am genuinely happy and fine, then other days where it just hits me out of nowhere and I feel the same all over again. 🤕😪💯