Challenge Complete


Lift Yourself Challenge Complete!

I can’t tell you how many post workout pictures I took so I can post it. The one I picked..the one I didn’t pose for.


This is it! Real life after a crazy sweaty workout. I could hardly stand but in a good way. This challenge came at a perfect time because this summer was an adventure.

I started right after my broken toe was healing, no water in my apartment and sick for the last three weeks. And yesterday my best friend’s mom passed away. I didn’t get home till 2am. I woke up this morning still not feeling the best but I did it! I finished and I feel so much better.


I named this challenge Lift Yourself not realizing that it wasn’t just about my body but my mind that needed that reminder. My obstacles this summer were not life threatening but nonetheless they were mine. I handled it with positivity and laughter.


This challenge reminded me that I’ve always handled obstacles and came thru just fine. But the best part about what was going on this time around is that I had a team of people. Everyday we checked in on each other and everyday I got to support someone thru their difficulties. So you see when you join my team you finally see that you are not alone. That you can do so much more than your capable of.