Help...married 1 month and arguing a lot


My husband and i got married the end of July. The wedding definitely put a lot of stress between us but the day was absolutely wonderful. However there is a lot going on in our lives right now and it feels like we are constantly arguing. We have emergency custody of his son who is 5. There’s a lot going on there that I can’t really talk about. Both of us work 40+ hrs a week. Our weekends are usually booked with seeing family, doing chores or relaxing. He leaves for work early in the morning, then i get up around 6:30 shower get our son dressed and ready for school and off to work i go. I work until 4-5:30 every day and don’t get home till 6 after picking up our son. He goes to work until 3:30-4 then goes home and plays video games or sits on his phone. Very rarely will i come home to him doing dishes or laundry. He does his own work clothes because of his job. I am always behind on laundry, dishes occasionally pile up and our sons toys rarely get picked up. I am so tired by the time i get home but then have to get dinner ready, son in the shower and off to bed. Saturday’s I work occasionally and it feels like he is always telling me what he has to do cuz i don’t do it. It feels like he doesn’t understand how much I do and how little time i have to do it when I’m not around. When I’m at work and if he’s home he gets mad cuz laundry isn’t caught up or house is not Perfectly clean, but it is not a disaster. He acts like i haven’t done anything all week. I also have severe anxiety and depression, it doesn’t help to see stuff fall behind but i can’t always get things fully done and i know that. I’m just not sure if he will ever understand what i do. I’m lost.