Quit smoking

I haven't had a cigarette in possibly 3 or 4 months tbh I lost count after 2 months but I'm proud of myself. I still get cravings when I'm around a lot of people (I used to chain smoke when I would be around people). Sometimes I miss it I know that sounds weird lol. I don't really like the smell anymore it kinda makes me sick. I'm so scared to mess up. My bf "quit" with me. But he recently told me he had been smoking black and milds every now and then. So that made me mad but I stopped myself from going off on him bc he is making it harder on himself. And then on labor day I seen fucking dip in his fucking mouth, now this time I went off on him. He thinks it's fine since he isn't smoking but he is still putting the nasty ass nicotine in his system and worst of all it's dip (I could never stand it bc it got everywhere). I'm just aggravated bc it was HARD as hell and I thought we were doing it together but apparently not. I feel like I'm the only one going forward and he is going backwards. Just had to get this off my chest