I’m so confused I want to cry

So my ex boyfriend talks to me everyday at school cuz he says I want to try and be friends, and that’s totally fine, I’d rather be his friend then lose him forever, but recently he’s been talking to me everyday at school, calling me when I don’t text him back, and I posted something on my SC and he said that’s cringy, JK I love you, and he’s said it many times before, like one time we were talking and he called me babe and baby but said oops auto correct, which I just let it slide, but then he said I love you and said autocorrect. WTF ATUO CORRECTS TO I LOVE YOU???!!! I love food? If he was going to say that that would have been really off topic. Anyways idk what to do I miss him and would like to give us one last chance but idk what to do