HELP!!, Long post ⚠️

I do want to say I do not want my ex back for one. We broke up a while ago like 1 year and sum ago but we see each other ALOT cause I live with him and his parent now (they dont know we dated) ive only been here for like 4 months. We didnt end badly, no cheating or nothing worth hating each other for. We dated for like 3 years. So in like march i came and talked to him because he would say like oh yeah we are cool we are friends, and then never invite me out or would never try to talk to me first (i tried talking to him). I told him prior to this if he didnt want to be friends or hang out he could let me know and i wouldnt be hurt but he insisted. So eventually i just ended up telling him like hey clearly u dnt want to be my friend or anything even though u keep saying we are cool etc and he was literally mute. Also, I just thinks it weird because he knows i have problems with my mom and that im going through things and i know he knows about this stuff and he had never asked if im okay ( i have seen him upset before and i asked him if he was fine even though i knew he wasnt gonna tell me if he wasnt) Also, I have been reaching some great milstones in my life stuff he knows i wanted to do and he encouraged me to do when we were together, but now since we arent together whenever I accomplish these things he NEVER say anything to me or congratulate me and whenever it is announced that I have accomplished these goals he ignores me. For example this weekend on friday i was chosen to give a special experience and i did and he has literally ignored me since friday it is now Monday and the man hasnt said ANYTHING to me not even hi. I have on many occasions congratulated him on his accomplishments and told him im proud of him. Im not looking for his validation or anything I just think it’s weird that he acts like that toward me. We didnt end on bad terms or anything. Can someone PLEASE help me im just try to understand.