
Hey gang, so I met my ‘boyfriend’ this time last year while he was doing an internship in France (he’s from Ireland and I’m English but living in Paris) We had the most amazing connection straightaway and spent the whole weekend together the night we met. We dated until he left in May (so around 9 months) and mutually agreed to end things as long distance wasn’t going to work for either of us. We stayed talking and would video chat most weekends (we had honestly become each other’s best friends during our relationship and didn’t want to end this part) but I was under the impression that I probably wouldn’t see him again. Fast forward two months and out of the blue I have a text from him saying that he’s outside my apartment waiting! Which was ballsy in my opinion as he had no idea if i was seeing someone new.. but also probably the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me! He was supposed to surprise me just for a weekend visit but ended up staying for three weeks. It was incredible, I had my best friend back and felt like he’d never been away (and the sex was PHENOMENAL let me tell you) Then our goodbye was horrible and emotional, ending in both of us sobbing as his taxi pulled up.

The problem is now, I’m not sure where our relationship stands. He is back in Ireland working full time and I have just been promoted in my job in Paris. I have tried many times to bring up a conversation about trying lost distance since his last visit but he seems to just keep brushing it off. And i don’t know if it’s because he’s scared or just doesn’t want to. Or maybe I’m just not being open enough with my feelings. I know how much he cares about me, my friends say we are perfect together and he treats me better than all the guys I’ve ever dated and I feel truly loved and appreciated when I’m with him but I need to know where we stand. It would totally break my heart not to see him again but I can’t keep saying goodbye and I can’t wait for him forever. Any advice please????!!!??! I’m sorry this is so long!!!!