Have you ever..

Katelyn • | Blessed With My Twin Boys July 11th, 2018👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 | July 21 Is My Glow Day🎂| 3 Years Long & Hard🔐|

Been in a relationship with someone whp constantly complained about everything you do?

My boyfriend said he was gonna pick up something, and i asked from where. His response was "Damn are you my lawyer or something?"🙄

I've been avoiding this dude for about 2 or 3 days since he decided to call me a bitch & a whore after i pointed out the fact that he doesn't do shit for our sons, hasn't bought diapers, wipes, bottles, nothing..

Like he literally gets mad at everything, EVERYTHING I DO IS A PROBLEM.

We been together for 3 years and have 2 newborns together.

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