Co dependency issues

I think i have kinda severe co dependency issues. I started with guys young, i was raped by a boyfriend at 12 and honestly ever since then thats when it started. I prefer to be in a relatio nship, i love love and i have so much to give. I just got out of a 7 year relationship like 4 months ago and since then ive seen a few guys off and on. I just kinda got out of another short lived relationship which is honestly bugging me the most because i felt very connected to this guy. The 7 year one ended badly, found out he had been cheatin on me the entire time with guys and chicks. Im just kinda a broken mess. The only time i really feel good about myself is when a guy is showing me affection or giving me attention. I know this is a problem thats why im talking about it. Im really hurt right now and extremely depressed and on top of it i have an 18 mo to take care of. I just feel so alone. I have a support group i have family and friends but i still just feel so inadequate and so alone. I have so much love to give and im terrified of dying alone. I know i need to focus on me and my son but i just honest to god don't know how to not focus on where i can get attention from next its like i have just never gone without and i dont like the feeling. Im scared im going to go back to my old ways and more or less give it up to anyone i find attractive. Im in a really bad place please don't be mean to me i am just really damaged. Any kind words of encouragement or helpful anything wouls be more than appreciated right now.