4 mo old not sleeping through the night


So I like many others have asked this question multiple times on here. “When will my baby sleep through the night?”

BUT....tonight as I sit up in bed holding my sweet sweet baby while he falls back asleep on my chest I just can’t help but think “why am I in such a rush?” One day these moments will be gone and I’ll never get them back. So for tonight I will hold him just a little longer and thank God that my baby still needs me to comfort and cuddle him. I am so lucky to be able to be a mom bc I know so many people are not as fortunate.

So to all the sleepy moms who just want their baby to sleep, when he wakes up tonight for the 2nd or 3rd or 10th time take a deep breath and realize that this is only a phase and one day you’ll wish you could hold your baby in the silence of the night.