Do I have a right to be mad?

I’d been planning my daughters birthday party months before. Asking my husband if we could do this, and that, and this, and that. And he was always like “yeah, sure, uh huh” while he didn’t seem particularly interested, it seemed like the party was a go. I mad a piñata a month before, and was slowly picking up decorations here and there. Like if we’d go grocery shopping, I’d add a 1$ pack ofballoons to the basket. In all the time, he NEVER said no we’re not having the party. So two weeks before the party I start asking who is getting invited. And he starts saying “well we don’t even know if we’re having a party” to which I’m like WHATTHEFUCK, but kept my composture and just asked what he meant his response was “ask me again in a week” so immediately stopped making crap for the party and everyday til what was supposed to be the party, I’d ask. Then he was like “let’s post pone it til next week” so we did. Cake ordered and all. We BOTH went to order the cake and paid 18$ deposit. So then again I kept asking because he “didn’t know” so two days before the goddamn party he tells me “yes we’re having the party” so I’m working my ass off to make stuff for it. And the next day he’s not sure again. At this point I’m super irritated and upset of course since he invited everyone last minute no one can come and now we’re stuck with a cake tomorrow. And he got mad that I got mad. Like what the fuck. If he would’ve told me from the beginning I would’ve saved myself so much stupid work. How the fuck do I make him get it? And he has the audacity to get mad at me for getting mad at him.

Also at like 2 he told me he wanted to go to the bank. So I said sure. Let’s do laundry first and let me shower. So we did the laundry and it was around 4 so I told him “do u still want to go to the bank?” To which he was like “no” (bank closes at 6. So I took a shower and took my sweet time getting ready THINKING that we’d go out since we weren’t going to the bank. Around 5:40 he asks “ do you think we’ll make it to the bank?” To which I was like “YOU JUST SAID YOU DIDNT WANT TO GO” and he got mad at me and was like “you should’ve showered when the clothes were washing” and got mad. So I’m fuming right now. And everything is pissing me off and I just want to punch him in the throat.