Can’t STAND my future MIL


Ive been with my soon to be husband for 9 years. We are getting married in a few months and on my wedding website I put an announcement that no children are allowed at the wedding. My fiancé and I agreed we want it to be a kid free event with the exception of our children and a few other children that will attend but we are not announcing that to the whole guest list. Our venue is counting any child over the age of 5 as a guest and as a full plate of food which it’s $35 a plate that we are paying. Anyways so I made my announcement. My mother in law right away messages my husband that I am inconsiderate and that because of my no kids rule her kids can’t attend!!! Her kids are the other set of kids that will be at the wedding. They are my fiancé’s brothers OBVIOUSLY they are going to attend!!! She made such a huge deal about it and called all her family from the east cost that is flying over to California for our wedding to let them know their kids aren’t welcomed! I went off! The 2 other kids coming are my flower girls so the parents called to go off on me that why am I not having any kids if their children are flower girl. Ughh I had to explain that total we are having only 8 kids allowed and gave the names of who’s kids are allowed and explained the reason we put NO KIDS was because I come from a huge Hispanic family where my aunts uncles cousins have 4+ kids and I don’t want any additional kids at our event! They understood after I clarified but my MIL is such a drama queen!!! She threatened to not show up to the wedding if her kids can’t come which she’s so stupid they obviously are counted for. Ahhhh. I can’t stand that woman I truly have put up with her dramatic self for 9 years. We don’t see eye to eye.She always has something to say and I always just ignore her but this time ive had Enough. I sent her a long message explaining everything to her and she didn’t respond but she messaged my husband to tell him that I’m am Breaking up her family and causing problems. 🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband put her on her place as he always does because he knows how dramatic she is but I seriously am to the point where I see her and want nothing to do with her but out of respect for my husband I stay to my self. .. ok rant over 😂