I finally did it... Trigger Warning!


As the title says, I finally did it! About 8 years ago I was set up by some classmates, drugged, and raped. There were 4 total involved, 2 girls (set me up and drugged me) and 2 guys (drugged me and both raped me, one after the other). One of the guys blocked me on FB immediately after when I questioned him. I just blocked the other guy this year. The two girls I blocked earlier this year too.

The issue is, some of those I involved had a mutual friend with me. This “friend” saw the bruises and marks that were left and when I told her what happened she said “it doesn’t surprise me, they’ve always talked about doing fucked up shit like that”. Well, the friend continued her friendship with these individuals and continuously posted about them, tagged them and me in stuff, and was overjoyed by their marriages and birthing of children. She would even try to talk about them with me and conveniently forget they had been apart of raping me. I got tired of seeing it all the time and feel a decent human and true friend wouldn’t want to be friends with rapists. So, I finally got the courage this year (this week, really) and deleted that “friend” as well. I’m done speaking to her, hanging out with her, associating with her, everything.

I feel so powerful and happy in my decision. I’ve cut out one more toxic person from my life and I’m proud of it. It’s been a HUGE year for me involving my rape, I’m becoming more outspoken about it. I’m learning that I’m stronger than they’ve tried to make me and I can and will overcome anything. I just had to share because I’m so proud and I feel I’m finally learning my worth.