Why would he block me?


Hey guys so I’m more just a little confused about this and wondering if someone can help. If you read this whole thing, you’re a champ! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

I met this guy through Bumble, he got my number that way, and we went out and had sex. It was just supposed to be a fwb thing. I’m not looking for a relationship and neither is he. We texted pretty much all the time, we both have kinda boring jobs so it was just to pass the time. We went out the first time about a week ago and I thought it was great. He was a pretty chill guy and the sex was good, so I figured things would continue on as it was. The first few days after were totally normal. He got my snap and we were texting and snapping like you would with any friend.

Then, two days ago, he didn’t respond to a message in the morning (still said delivered) and I just let it go because he was probably busy. That night I texted him to see what he was up to, but the text didn’t get delivered at all. I thought maybe he was just on Do Not Disturb or no WiFi or something, but he posted on snap. I texted today and it didn’t get delivered again. When I googled it, i found that it could be because he blocked my number.

He still has me on snap and didn’t unmatch me on Bumble. I don’t want to look annoying (especially since this is just sex) but should I message him on snap and ask about the block? Like, idk why he would block my number but not snap. Any advice is appreciated or if you have experience with a situation like this, I would love to hear what you did. Thanks!